
I’m a 26 year old software engineer from Miami, Florida where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology from Florida International University.

Most recently, I worked as a Product Developer at T R I M, a development agency that builds mobile and web applications for first-time founders who are looking to launch their products. During my time at T R I M, I worked as part of a small team that inherited a codebase from a client who’s goal was to build out the world’s largest MicroNutrition database. I became responsible for building, and maintaining new micro-services, and Slack Bots using Botkit to book meeting rooms, send reminders/confirmation messages, and track package deliveries using the Nexudus Coworking Management Platform API.

Previously, I was part of a large team at building a next-generation Patient and Practice Management / Electronic Health Records platform for medical practices as a Software Engineer at CareCloud. During my time there, I had the opportunity to take on multiple roles as a part of three evolving teams and departments including Front-End/UX, Middleware and Test Automation.

I was part of the Front-End/UX team working to bring the elegant designs of our talented designers to life in the form of clean, workflow-driven user interfaces to facilitate the Patient-Practitioner experience using React and GraphQL. Prior to my promotion to the Front-End/UX team, I worked on building out Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource compliant Middleware using Google’s Golang for a subscription-based micro service architecture built with GraphQL and Express.js. I also became solely responsible for building and managing API integration test suites using Jest, GraphQL, Frisby, and Joi and wrote automated End to End test suites for CareCloud’s Patient Intake Software, Breeze, using Selenium, WebdriverIO, Cucumber/Gherkin, Mocha, and Chai.

I am fascinated by the technologies that run the services and applications we interface with day to day and continue to stay up to date by teaching myself new skills and best practices by using online resources including but not limited to Lynda, Scrimba, FreeCodeCamp, FrontEndMasters, Udemy, Egghead.io and Youtube.

I’m also a self-taught sound designer, audio engineer, and disk jockey with a passion for podcasts as a creative digital medium.


  1. Full Stack Software Engineer


    Eldridge Greenwich, CT

  2. Software Development Consultant

    T R I M Fort Lauderdale, Florida

    • Used TypeScript, Microsoft’s open-source framework, Botkit, and the Nexudus Coworking Management Platform API to build custom bots for co-working spaces with a Slack community.

    • Deployed, and maintained new APIs and micro-services for a Micronutrient database using TypeScript, Docker, Node.js, Golang, and Heroku.

    • Filled Quality Assurance roles, managed sprints, wrote technical documentation and implemented testing for deployments.

    • Used Github, Gitlab, and Heroku for repository storage, container registry, and CICD.

    • Used Asana for Project management, and Harvest for transparent, client-facing time tracking.

  3. Associate Software Engineer II

    CareCloud Miami, Florida

    • Worked on the Frontend/UX team building a Calendar/Scheduler application for CareCloud’s next-generation Medical Practice Management/Electronic Health records software, Go, according to FHIR v3 Specification, React and GraphQL.

    • Previously built production-ready, FHIR compliant APIs, middleware, and business process management workflows for a micro service architecture using Golang, Netflix’s Conductor, Node.js, Apollo GraphQL, JSON and YAML.

  4. Associate Software Engineer

    CareCloud Miami, Florida

    • Responsible for building and maintaining a growing suite of GraphQL API integration tests using Node.js, Jest, Joi, Frisby.js, Apollo GraphQL and CircleCi for CI/CD.

    • Trained co-workers on the Automation team to write tests using Jest and increased overall test coverage for our micro-services.

    • Wrote automated, behavior-driven, end to end test suites for using CircleCi, Selenium, WebDriverIO, Cucumber, Gherkin, Mocha, and Chai for .

      - Atlassian Jira for Scrum and Kanban
      - VSCode Live Share for collaboration on code.
      - Slack / Google Hangouts for Team Communication and Collaboration
      - GitHub for repository storage, code reviews, and CI/CD integration with Circle Ci.
  5. Help Desk Technician II

    City of Pembroke Pines Pembroke Pines, Florida

    • Provided onsite and remote technical support for incoming tickets to the Technology Services Department related to hardware and software used by City of Pembroke Pines employees across various departments including but not limited to:
      - Finances
      - Fire & Police
      - Human Resources
      - Planning & Zoning
      - Parks & Recreation
      - Media & Production
      - City Administration
      - Utilities & Public Works
      - Transportation Authority
      - Building & Event Management
    • Managed and organized the indoor and outdoor video surveillance and card access infrastructure for the City of Pembroke Pines City Center using Identiv Connected Physical Access Manager (ICPAM) and Cisco Video Surveillance Operations Manager (VSOM).

    • Assisted the Pembroke Pines Police Department in the retrieval and documentation of crucial video surveillance evidence for cases.

    • Was responsible for setting up the Pembroke Pines Emergency Operations & Training Center at the new City Hall.

    • Trained by Citrix Instructor Ronald Warsaski and received a Certificate of Completion for the CXD-210I- XenApp and XenDesktop 7.1 Administration training.


  1. Full Stack Web Development

    Ironhack Miami, Florida

    • The core of the curriculum focused on the JavaScript MEAN stack: MongoDB, Express.js, Angular 2, and Node.js.

    • Awarded 2nd place for our web app CauseConnect in the April-June 2018 Ironhack Miami Full Stack Web Development Hackshow.

    • Ironhack is an educational startup that launched the first web development and mobile (iOS) boot camp in Spain (Madrid and Barcelona) and Miami, FL. They specialize in teaching Full-Stack Web Development, Data Science, and UX/UI Design with locations in Miami, Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Mexico City, and Berlin.

  2. Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

    Florida International University School of Computing and Information Sciences Miami, Florida

    Gained interests in web development, Information Security, Podcasting, and Social Marketing.

    Served as Overall Director of Marketing for FIU’s Relay for Life, a yearly fundraising event in partnership with the American Cancer Society and one of FIU’s largest student-run fundraising efforts.

    • Worked with the Relay for Life Executive Board and FIU faculty to organize fundraising events, sponsorship, and meetings.

    • Led a team of three interns to work on Social Media, Design and Promotion.

    • Responsible for photography for the event.

Skills and Tools

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • React v16.8+: 'The One With Hooks'
  • GraphQL & REST APIs
  • Gatsby
  • Jest
  • Automated E2E & Integration Testing
  • Cypress
  • Mocha & Chai
  • Cucumber & Gherkin
  • Github & Gitlab
  • JIRA & Asana


  • English - Native Speaker
  • Spanish - Intermediate

Programming Languages
